Today I sit at the table alone drinking tea. I look out in the distance but I am not focusing on anything. I am thinking of the word LOVE. I am part day dreaming and part reminiscing. My heart is broken and at the same time it could be my pride has been hurt and I have never felt love at all.
Is there such thing as a soul mate? What is the difference in love and true love? Is the opposite of true love false love and you just drop the false and say love? I don’t think anyone would sign up for false love so the world just started saying just love. How long is forever? When someone says I will love you forever no matter what. Where are they now and what exactly happened that it did matter enough that you ended forever? Is there such thing as for better or worse until death do us part? Couples have started dropping the “obey” part. Why don’t they say I love you until something better comes along or I don’t get my way? Can a person actually die of a broken heart? What is this “in love?” Can you explain I love you but I am not in love with you anymore? Are we now out love? Can we be more clear on which one I am signing up for in the first place?
I think about the guys I thought I loved and I thought loved me. I think about family, friends and the guy that said it the other night after one date. I am kinda wondering if he meant it about as much as everyone else that says it? I am not sure I understand this word “LOVE” that so many throw around. What is LOVE?
31/05/2011 at 1:57 pm Permalink
I was drawn from Entrecard. This blog is teasingly interesting. I have read parts of the blog and it was quite absorbing. I would be back for tea to read the notes under the napkin table but may not leave one myself too early. It is a pleasantly different style. I like it.