The Lovers’ Chronicle 9 September – weary kind – she will have your eyes – verse by Adelaide Crapsey & Cesare Pavese – art by Israel Abramofsky

Dear Zazie,

Here is today’s Lovers’ Chronicle from Mac Tag dedicated to his muse.  Follow us on twitter @cowboycoleridge.  Do you have her eyes?  Rhett

The Lovers’ Chronicle

Dear Muse,

the old winds that blew
when sorrow was
what to do
but now these be
three salient things:
findin’ the words…the hour
held in ardor…your mouth
just kissed
with all you have
these hands
with what
they are holdin’
uncover our eyes

© copyright 2020 mac tag/cowboy coleridge all rights reserved

created from the bottom,
thus i am dearer to,

and i finally understand

the pain begins again

dark in the mornin’

without the light of your eyes

and the virtue of the two lovers

in front of each other, reachin’ out

is there anything left

but to clutch in ardor

© copyright 2019 mac tag/cowboy coleridge all rights reserved

the old lines
thrown around
with little regard
for right or bad
to the unfoldin’ chaos

what shall be written
for those that weep,
for the weary kind

these be
three salient things…
the ensuin’ verse… the hour
after first light… your mouth,
just kissed

© copyright 2018 mac tag/cowboy coleridge all rights reserved

the trouble with the weary kind
all the aces have been played
days and nights feel the same
nothin’ left to give but a song

you can try and try
or convince yourself
that you tried
but it ain’t no good
this is no place
for the weary kind

if i needed you
would you come
for a song
for an orison
i wrote for you

at least i know i will be able
to write for the rest of my life
it will take that long
to write somethin’
worthy for you

© copyright 2017 mac tag/cowboy Coleridge all rights reserved

She Will Have Your Eyes

Life and death
Did you come by way
of naked urges
your thrill endures
Blood of spring
– sea or cloud –
your appearance,
breaks the binds
Starts the pain
It is dark in the mornin’
without the light of your eyes

Mac tag translation of Cesare Pavese, Verrà la morte e avrà i tuoi occhi (see below)


Adelaide Crapsey

Adelaide Crapsey

Today is the birthday of Adelaide Crapsey (Brooklyn; September 9, 1878 – October 8, 1914 Rochester); poet.  Her interest in rhythm and meter led her to create a variation on the cinquain (or quintain), a five-line form of twenty-two syllables influenced by the Japanese haiku and tanka.  Her cinquain has a generally iambic meter and consists of two syllables in the first and last lines and four, six and eight syllables in the middle three lines.


  • The old
    Old winds that blew
    When chaos was, what do
    They tell the clattered trees that I
    Should weep?

    • “Night Winds”.
  • These be
    Three silent things:
    The falling snow…the hour
    Before the dawn…the mouth of one
    Just dead.

    • Triad.
  • Listen.
    With faint dry sound,
    Like steps of passing ghosts,
    The leaves, frost-crisp’d, break from the trees
    And fall.

    • November Night.
  • I know
    Not these my hands
    And yet I think there was
    A woman like me once had hands
    Like these.

    • Amaze

With night’s
Dim veil and blue
I will cover my eyes,
I will bind close my eyes that are
So weary.

Today is the birthday of Israel Abramofsky (Kiev; September 10, 1888 – January 16, 1975); artist, who trained in Paris and settled in the United States, known for his landscape works and works depicting Jewish life in Eastern Europe.


woman and mandolin

woman and mandolin

Reclining Nude

Reclining Nude


Cesare Pavese
Cesare pavese.jpg

Cesare Pavese, il poeta

And today is the birthday of Cesare Pavese (Santo Stefano Belbo; 9 September 1908 – 27 August 1950 Turin); poet, novelist, literary critic and

Dowling and Pavese

Dowling and Pavese

translator.  Perhaps among the major Italian authors of the 20th century in his home country.  Depression, the failure of a brief love affair with the actress Constance Dowling, to whom his last novel and one of his last poems (“Death will come and she’ll have your eyes”) were dedicated, and political disillusionment led him to his suicide by an overdose of barbiturates.  That same year he won the Strega Prize for La Bella Estate, comprising three novellas: ‘La tenda’, written in 1940, ‘Il diavolo sulle colline'(1948) and ‘Tra donne sole’ (1949).


 Lavorare stanca

L’ho creata dal fondo di tutte le cose
che mi sono più care, e non riesco a comprenderla

Verrà la morte e avrà i tuoi occhi

Sei la vita e la morte.

Sei venuta di marzo

sulla terra nuda –

il tuo brivido dura.

Sangue di primavera

– anemone o nube –

il tuo passo leggero

ha violato la terra.

Ricomincia il dolore.

È buio il mattino
che passa
senza la luce dei tuoi occhi

L’amore ha la virtù di denudare non i due amanti l’uno di fronte all’altro, ma ciascuno dei due davanti a sé.

Mac Tag

“I feel that she is depressed, but I’m more depressed still, and I can’t say anything to her – there’s nothing to say. I’m just cold, and I clutch at any work with ardor.”

Leo Tolstoy

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