Dear Muse, Here is today’s Lovers’ Chronicle from Mac Tag dedicated to his muse. Is there a kiss that did not happen in your life that you regret? Rhett The Lovers’ Chronicle Dear Muse, we must have been busy on this day in 2021 how else to explain not writin’ about the most important one cannot blame […]
Tag Archive > song of the day
The Lovers’ Chronicle 3 January – venetian lovers – premiere of Donizetti’s Don Pasquale – art by August Macke
Dear Zazie, Here is today’s Lovers’ Chronicle from Mac Tag dedicated to his muse. Do you know what it is to be a lover? To be half of a whole? Rhett The Lovers’ Chronicle Dear Muse, finally together in each other’s arms “We seem to spend a lot of time naked in bed.” my favorite place to […]
The Lovers’ Chronicle 2 January – clearly comin’ – art by Piero di Cosimo
Dear Zazie, Could not be more pleased to be beginning this year with the one I have longed for. Here is today’s Lovers’ Chronicle from Mac Tag dedicated to his muse. Are you askin’ yourself if there can really be a mornin’? Are you askin’ yourself where lies forgiveness? Rhett The Lovers’ Chronicle Dear Muse, yes, with you […]
The Lovers’ Chronicle 24 December – not the same – art by Wilhelm Marstrand – verse by Matthew Arnold & Émile Nelligan- Premiere of Verdi’s Aida
Dear Zazie, Here is today’s Lovers’ Chroncile from Mac Tag dedicated to his muse. Have you tried to replace someone only to find it is not the same? Rhett The Lovers’ Chronicle Dear Muse, no, it is not there has not been anything like this the story and the verse continue after all that has happened we […]
The Lovers’ Chronicle 22 December – somethin’ – birth of Puccini – verse by Kenneth Rexroth – art by Jean-Michel Basquiat
Dear Zazie, Here is today’s Lovers’ Chronicle from Mac Tag dedicated to his muse. Who holds your heart? Rhett The Lovers’ Chronicle Dear Muse, leanin’ towards, the easin’ venerates this pale face to the awakenin’ listen to the music in the distance clear night with chord changes, and awareness ripples through to the rhythms of our […]
The Lovers’ Chronicle 21 December – promise – art by Achille Vianelli & Thomas Couture – verse by Gustave Kahn – birth of Maud Gonne – premiere of Arnold Schoenberg’s String Quartet No. 2
Dear Zazie, Here is today’s Lovers’ Chronicle from Mac Tag dedicated to his muse. Does someone tread on your dreams? Do you hide your face in a crowd of stars? Rhett The Lovers’ Chronicle Dear Muse, leanin’ towards, the easin’ venerates this pale face to the awakenin’ listen to the music in the distance clear night with […]
The Lovers’ Chronicle 18 December – transition – art by Paul Klee
Dear Zazie, Here is the Lovers’ Chronicle for today from Mac Tag dedicated to his muse. Whose words are important to you? Are their words enough? Rhett The Lovers’ Chronicle Dear Muse, as time passes i welcome, you solo sonatas make me smile but i welcome this duet reflectin’ on the future of choice to make you […]
The Lovers’ Chronicle 17 December – the day we met – verse by John Greenleaf Whittier – art by Paul César Helleu
Dear Zazie, Here is today’s Lovers’ Chronicle from Mac Tag dedicated to his muse. How has the day you met someone special touched your life? Rhett The Lovers’ Chronicle Dear Muse, I have played the SOD over and over and over today. the night we met sittin’ on a bench on the plaza so engrossed we […]
The Lovers’ Chronicle 14 December – the other side of you – art by Pierre-Cécile Puvis de Chavannes – verse by Paul Éluard
Dear Zazie, Hey thanks for stopping by! Loved your note. Here is today’s Lovers’ Chronicle from Mac Tag dedicated to his muse. Who is the other side of you? Rhett The Lovers’ Chronicle Dear Muse, so you can hear visions of you want, even need to be, and to have dreams intertwined to get beyond solitude […]
The Lovers’ Chronicle 13 December – never as is – smitten Chopin – art by Emily Carr
Dear Zazie, Here is today’s Lovers’ Chronicle from Mac Tag dedicated to his muse. Have you told someone never? Has someone told you never? Are you as is or as you were? Rhett The Lovers’ Chronicle Dear Muse, all done with searchin’ all we need is here the things you say to me i cannot remember […]