Dear Zazie, Here is today’s Lovers’ Chronicle from Mac Tag. Do you know the Dark Muse? Rhett The Lovers’ Almanac Dear Muse, how ’bout this reality starts up, to awaken a chance in time no longer hushed, the longed for song feelin’s with no name now known form, syllables & stanzas verse, with this intent dark words […]
Category > Poems
The Lovers’ Chronicle 31 May – a poet’s heartbreak (II) – verse by Walt Whitman – art by Walter Sickert
Dear Zazie, Here is today’s Lovers’ Chronicle from Mac Tag. How does your heart break? Rhett The Lovers’ Chronicle Dear Muse, inspired by Wilde’s “Roses and Rue” “Sadly, no stranger to heartbreak” here is a view on the matter i have not taken “Oh do tell” for the poet, heartbreak does not come in loss, it […]
The Lovers’ Chronicle 25 May – always – art by Carlo Dolci & Will Barnet – verse by Ralph Waldo Emerson & Theodore Roethke – birth of Louise de Broglie & Raymond Carver
Rhett shares “Sonnet 91” by William Shakespeare for Zazie to read!
The Lovers’ Chronicle 20 May – discovery – Shakespeare’s Sonnets – birth of Honoré de Balzac – art by Henri-Edmond Cross
Dear Zazie, Hey Z, guess whose birthday is today? The late, great Joe Cocker! So you know what that means; we have to play one of our favorite songs! Here is Cocker’s version of the Randy Newman song, from the official video from the movie 9 1/2 Weeks, our song, and the song of the day “You […]
The Lovers’ Chronicle 19 May – crowns – art by Claude Vignon – photography by John Vachon
Dear Zazie, Today’s Lovers’ Chronicle from Mac Tag to his muse. Visit us on Twitter @cowboycoleridge. Z, be cool, be safe, be smart. Rhett The Lovers’ Chronicle Dear Muse, yes, this is where dusk delays long hours and the never still air stirs our hair as we wait we have been here suspended in our time in this moment attune with our rhythm and rhyme […]
The Lovers’ Chronicle 17 May – more dreams – verse by Jacint Verdaguer – Día das Letras Galegas – art by Georgette Agutte & A. J. Casson
Dear Z, Here is today’s Lovers’ Chronicle from Mac Tag to his Muse. Do you live your dreams, or dream your life? Rhett The Lovers’ Chronicle Dear Muse, Guy wrote and sang it best; “Well he’s one of those who knows that life is just a leap of faith Spread your arms and hold you breath And […]
The Lovers’ Chronicle 13 May – mea culpa – art by Georges Braque – birth of Daphne du Maurier
Dear Zazie, Today’s Lovers’ Chronicle from Mac Tag. Check us out on twitter @cowboycoleridge. Rhett The Lovers’ Chronicle Dear Muse, there is a song by Jimmy Buffett “That’s ok we can skip it” and there is the line from Love Story… “Stop, you are killing me” well since we cannot have that, nice that we can turn comfortably, […]
The Lovers’ Chronicle 10 May – remember – birth of Benito Pérez Galdós – art by Léon Bakst
Dear Zazie, Today’s Lovers’ Chronicle from Mac Tag to his muse. Visit us on Twitter @cowboycoleridge. Rhett The Lovers’ Chronicle Dear Muse, all of this written as a way of understandin’ guidin’, quotin’, verse, ours and others, aloud, whispered, muttered and what has been found, holdin’ how you feel, how you look somethin’ you just knew had been waitin’ […]
The Lovers’ Chronicle 6 May – all – birth of Gaston Leroux – art by Ernst Ludwig Kirchner – verse by Randall Jarrell
Dear Zazie, Here is today’s Lovers’ Chronicle from Mac Tag. Do you have all of that? Rhett The Lovers’ Almanac Dear Muse, see at last, all that could be wrung from the years spent in darkness the verse is the purpose to wake to, to live in the world and its life dancin’ with dreams so this is […]
The Lovers’ Chronicle 5 May – know – art by Fabián de la Rosa – publication of To the Lighthouse by Virginia Woolf
Dear Zazie, Here is today’s Lovers’ Chronicle from Mac Tag. Do you know? Rhett The Lovers’ Chronicle Dear Muse, for this one the word came before the obvious song “Where you’re going to” surely did not for the longest “Do you like the things that life is showing you” felt as though all i was bein’ […]