Archive > June 2024

The Lovers’ Chronicle 2 June – longed for – art by Domenico Ghirlandajo & Paul-Albert Besnard – verse by Thomas Hardy

Dear Zazie,  Here is today’s Lovers’ Chronicle from Mac Tag.  Do you know the Dark Muse?  Rhett The Lovers’ Almanac Dear Muse, how ’bout this reality starts up, to awaken a chance in time no longer hushed, the longed for song feelin’s with no name now known form, syllables & stanzas verse, with this intent dark words […]

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The Lovers’ Chronicle 1 June – reasons – Dante Alighieri – art by Maarten van Heemskerck – Baudelaire’s Les Fleurs du mal – verse by John Masefield

Dear Z,  Today’s Lovers’ Chronicle from Mac Tag.  Good question posed below.  What is your main reason for livin’?  Rhett The Lovers’ Chronicle Dear Muse, for this one, just pulled a word out of somethin’ Dante wrote “I’m surprised it’s not from something in les fleurs” astonished might be closer “Thought I would give you a break” ha, […]

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