The Lovers’ Chronicle 21 May – beginnin’ – art by Henri Rousseau

Dear Zazie, Here is today’s Lovers’ Chronicle from Mac Tag to his muse.  Visit us on twitter @cowboycoleridge.  Z, miss you.  Rhett

The Lovers’ Chronicle

Dear Muse,

that is survivin’ right
whenever an end comes
seekin’ a way out,
preferably constructive,
and particularly,
when it was not seen comin’

been through several
both seen and not seen
some self inflicted
bitter about some, sure
and still standin’
because of this,
comin’ here
and spreadin’ it all
over the page

© copyright 2022.2023 Mac Tag/cowboycoleridge all rights reserved

yes, a good place to go
on this day,
more so than others
when reminded
about all good things

no explainin’, without
followin’ this trail
since inception

only way to get here
what will be seen as
the start of the bookend
on this tale of seekin’
and findin’ what matters

© copyright 2021.2023 Mac tag/cowboycoleridge all rights reserved

Pale Love, Pale Rider

of loss and lost
seems what most
of this has been about
clueless for so long
took almost a lifetime
for it to come into focus
chosen of anyone
of that there is
plenty doubt
of beginnin’s and endin’s
another take on what
this has been for
all i ever wanted
was to give this

© copyright 2020 mac tag/cowboy coleridge all rights reserved

do you know
where it begins

i at least
figured out that much
though it took too long

s’pose some never do
so later is better
than not at all

i even know
where it ends
though it is too late

but most never do
so knowin’ is better
than not

do you know


let the verse ride
on the breath
of a lovely woman
let it soar
on the winds
of abandon

seekin’ beauty and sorrow
wherever they may be

that my friend, is all that matters
that is all that can be hoped for

© copyright 2018 mac tag/cowboy coleridge all rights reserved

Ray wrote and sang;
“The way of the fallen is hard”
only every day Ray
every damn day

© copyright 2016 Mac tag all rights reserved

This note was written on 21 May 2012…

Dear Zazie Lee,

Do you still come here for coffee?  I hope so.  Sorry for my long absence.  I have missed you so.  I was talkin’ to my friend Mac Tag  and he asked me for a favour.  Seems he has lost his Muse.  I hate it when that happens!  He would not elaborate on what happened, just that she was gone.  He asked if I could leave a note here periodically from him to her.  I think he needs an outlet for his feelin’s and views this as a tribute to her.  Mac Tag is a poet and a philosopher and I expect his notes will be romantic and sad and funny and inspirin’.  Here is his first note.  Rhett.  PS.  Jett says hey and he misses you too.

To My Muse, You shined a light into my darkness and gave me back my words.  For that I am ever grateful.  I am glad you walked into my life.  My words are dedicated to you.

for J

I must let my verse ride its luck
On the back of the ardent breath
Of a lovely, fervent woman
Must let it soar across the sky
On the winds of true abandon
Seekin’ beauty where it may lie
That my friend, is all that matters
That is all that I can hope for

© copyright 2012 Mac Tag/Cowboy Coleridge all rights reserved


henrirousseauDouanier_Rousseau_DornacToday is the birthday of Henri Rousseau (Henri Julien Félix Rousseau; Laval, France; May 21, 1844 – September 2, 1910 Paris); Post-Impressionist painter in the Naïve or Primitive manner.  He was also known as Le Douanier (the customs officer), a humorous description of his occupation as a toll collector.  Ridiculed during his lifetime by critics, he came to be recognized as a self-taught genius whose works are of high artistic quality.  Rousseau’s work exerted an extensive influence on several generations of avant-garde artists.  The American poet Sylvia Plath was a great admirer of Rousseau, referencing his art, as well as drawing inspiration from his works in her poetry.  The poem, Yadwigha, on a Red Couch, Among Lilies (1958), is based upon his painting, The Dream, whilst the poem Snakecharmer (1957) is based upon his painting The Snake Charmer.  The song, The Jungle Line, by Joni Mitchell, is based upon a Rousseau painting.

In 1868, he married Clémence Boitard, his landlord’s 15-year-old daughter, with whom he had six children (only one survived).   Clémence died in 1888 and he married Josephine Noury in 1898.


Mauvaise surprise

Mauvaise surprise

Rendez-vous dans la forêt

Rendez-vous dans la forêt

 Self-portrait of the Artist with a Lamp


Tiger in a Tropical Storm (Surprised!) (1891) was the first of many jungle scenes for which Rousseau is best known.

The Hungry Lion Throws Itself on the Antelope, 1905


 La Rêve (1910), MoMA

 Rousseau in 1902

 Self Portrait (1890), National Gallery, Prague

Mac Tag

Follow us on twitter @cowboycoleridge


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